We offer professional development in the following areas:
Positive behaviour management in schools/childcare/community group
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Early identification social attention and communication challenges
Speech and language development
Therapeutic play techniques
Enhancing the readiness of your early learning space to support children with Autism
Supporting and promoting caregiver well being
Creating natural opportunities for gross motor development
Drawing on the skills of a multi- disciplinary team let us tailor a personalized professional development activity for your organisation.
For your organisations professional development needs please complete our online form
Emerge hosts a team of experienced professionals.
We are able to offer supervision and coaching services across the education and early years sector.
Our Psychology team offer clinical supervision to Psychologists and are able to offer supervision services to post graduate and 5 + 1 Psychologists as part of their registration programs. Please contact our practice manager to discuss your supervisory needs further on 03 6709 8270 or email sharon@emergealliedhealth.com.