When not with you our team are always working for you….

Community Connections

  • B4 Leader - B4 Early Years Coalition (B4) is a movement for change to ensure every child in Tasmania is cared for and nurtured through the early years, no matter what.

  • Board Member of Playgroup Tasmania.

  • Building blocks Fingal Valley - Partnering on the ‘Move and Play’ project funded through the Australian Early Developmental Census (AEDC) grants.

  • Past Board Member of Autism Tasmania

  • Past panel member of the State’s Autism Advisory Committee


2021 - National Ausmumpreneur Awards - Vic/Tas Health Business Award - 2nd place
2021 - National Ausmumpreneur Awards - Vic/Tas Women Will Change the World Award - 3rd place

Conference Presentations

research publications

  • Kerr, C., Novak, I., Shields, N., Ames, A., Imms, C. and the Best Service Best Time author group, “Do supports and barriers to routine clinical assessment for children with cerebral palsy change over time? A mixed methods study”, Disability and Rehabilitation, p. 1-11 (2022).

  • Taylor, LJ and Eapen, V and Maybery, MT and Midford, S and Paynter, J and Quarmby, L and Smith, T and Williams, K and Whitehouse, AJO, “Diagnostic evaluation for autism spectrum disorder: a survey of health professionals in Australia”, BMJ Open, 6 (9)

  • Taylor, L and Brown, P and Eapen, V and Midford, S and Paynter, J and Quarmby, L and Smith, T and Maybery, M and Williams, K and Whitehouse, A, “Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis in Australia: Are we meeting best practice standards?”, Department of Social Services and the Cooperative Research Centre for Living with Autism (Autism CRC), Australia (2016)

  • Due, C and Smith, IG and Allen, P and Button, E and Cheek, C and Quarmby, L and Stephens, M and Paku, S and Ferguson, S and Fordyce, K, “A pilot study of social inclusion and quality of life for parents of children with autism spectrum disorder”, Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability pp. 1-10.

  • Kerr, C and Shields, N and Quarmby, L and Roberts, K and Imms, C, and the 'Best Service at the Best Time' group, “Supports and barriers to implementation of routine clinical assessment for children with cerebral palsy: A mixed-methods study”, Disability and Rehabilitation pp. 1-10. ISSN 0963-8288 (2016)

  • Owen, C and McCann, D and Rayner, C and Devereaux, C and Sheehan, F and Quarmby, L, Supporting students with autism spectrum disorder in higher education, National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education, Hobart, TAS (2016)

conference presentations

  • 2023 - Reimagine Conference (formerly Early Childhood Inclusion Australia) Presentation: Move & Play Every Day: A movement-based program to build inclusive communities

  • Quarmby, L, Owen, C and McCann, D, “Supporting students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Higher Education”, Asia Pacific Autism Conference, September 2017, Sydney NSW Australia

  • Quarmby, L., Imms, C, Kerr, C. Implementing change in Allied Health assessment practices for children with cerebral palsy: supports and barriers over time. American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine (AACPDM) 70th Annual meeting, Florida USA 2016

  • Barnett, T and Quarmby, L and Van Der Ploeg, WJ, “Keeping them: Factors that contribute to the long term retention of the allied health workforce in rural and remote areas”, Allied Health Professionals Symposium, 20 November, 2015, Launceston, Tasmania, Australia (2015)

  • Quarmby, L, Johns, P. & Anderson, E. Highlighting the Hidden: The implementation of an attachment focused parenting program in a pediatric disability setting. Coming together for Australia’s Children Conference, ARACY, Hobart  Australia2015

  • Imms C, Novak I, Reddihough D, Shields N, Crettenden A, Foley S, Fordyce M, Quarmby L, Karlsson P. CP Check-Up: Providing the best service at the best time. A project protocol paper. Australasian Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine, Hunter Valley, NSW, Australia

  • Leslie A, Imms C, Quarmby L, Froude E, Novak I, Reddihough D, Shields N. Closing the research-practice gap in services for children with cerebral palsy. Allied Health Professionals Tasmanian Symposium, Hobart, Tasmania

Professional & community development training

  • Calmer Kids, Settled Students - professional development for teacher’s assistants. Belamie Flint - Early Childhood Teacher and Behaviour Specialist

  • Keynote presentations at the Tasmanian Family Daycare Educator Conference. Pam Johns - Early Childhood Teacher and Behaviour Specialist and Sara White - Provisional Psychologist and Play Threapist

  • Positive Behaviour Support- range of local primary schools and early childhood and care centres. Pam Johns and Belamie Flint - Early Childhood Teacher and Behaviour Specialist

  • Social Attention and Communication Surveillance: Statewide training of Childhood Health Nurses for the early detection of young children at risk of an Autism Spectrum Disorder. Lyndsay Quarmby - Clinical Psychologist

We are always interested in supporting and developing evidence-based practices… please direct all research collaboration enquiries to our Practice Manager at sharon@emergealliedhealth.com