calmer kids, settled students

Do you work with or support neurodivergent children, children who have experienced trauma or children requiring extra developmental support?

Are you spending time each day managing immediate challenging behaviours when you would rather be learning, playing and engaged with your students?

This workshop is specifically tailored for Teachers, Teacher Assistants and the wider school community and you can expect to leave feeling enthusiastic, informed and ready to go with practical strategies you can use the very next day with your students.

Register your interest for the next available workshop.

For further information or organize in house training contact

    • Spotting the difference between a regulated and dysregulated brain

    • Thinking two steps ahead: how can I tell what dysregulates my students

    • Strategies to manage challenging behaviours and restore regulation (for them and me)

    • Strategies for creating calm classrooms from the first bell

  • Bel Flint is a behaviour therapist with more than 20 years’ experience as a teacher. She has extensive experience in early childhood education, specialising in autism and inclusive practice. Bel brings practical approaches to support children with autism, trauma and other development needs.